Who are they?

Italian immigration to America between 80's and 90's
They are people who escape from their own country to another to get a job or an education because the economic situation as well as the job opportunities where they live are not satisfactory.
According to ISTAT 60% of migrants who have applied for protection have been thrown out by Italy because they are economic migrants.

People escaping from Iraq in 1991 for conflicts
They escaped from the war in their own country where their human rights are violated.
They can be divided into four groups: refugees, asylum seeker, internally displaced people and stateless people, but we must remember that “ States” possess extensive authority to protect their borders and determine their own laws. For example,” States” have the power to determine the admission of non-nationals into their country, detention of migrants and removal or expulsion of non-nationals.
Refugees: it is a term that points out who is run away from their native country because of political discriminations, religious, racial, of nationality or because they belong to a social persecuted category or because there is a war nowadays in their country.
Asylum seeker: it is a person who is outside his country and requires, in another state, an asylum application from the recognition of refugee status or to obtain other forms of international protection according to the 1951 Geneva convention on refugees.
Internally displaced people: they are people that do not leave their country because of the local government doesn’t enable to leave it. Internally displaced people have not crossed a border to find safety.
stateless people: Referring to the article 1 of New York convention they are people that any “ State “considers them as their own citizens.

Is the coming of migrants “ an invasion”?
According to OIM there is no a real emergency in terms of numbers, but a humanitarian and operational emergency. Some statistics report that:
The majority of migrants in Italy come from Eritrea, Tunisia, Nigeria Pakistan, Lybia instead European migrants arrive from Siria, Iraq e Afghanistan go to Greece and Marocco, Algeria, Costa d’Avorio Guinea Gambia go to Spain.