In the last few years, a lot of people are escaping from different countries for various reasons looking for protection, peace or more simply for a better life quality.
The first stage is Italy because it is the nearest port migrants can reach during their journey but not all of them want to remain in Italy. For many people Italy is only the starting point of their journey through Europe and they look for protection only temporary.
Only in 2015 Italy was reached by many asylum seekers mainly from Nigeria, Pakistan, Gambia, Senegal and Eritrea and in 2016 migrants from these regions have increased.
Between the years 2015 and 2016 Italy has been crossed especially by men and alone children for a wide range of reasons, and currently the situation is the same.
the year 2017 had recorded the lowest number of migrant joints sea on the coasts of the Countries of the Mediterranean. In 2017 more than 120 thousand migrants landed to Italy. They represented 70% of the arrivals by sea in Europe, less than half of those ones that disembarked in 2016, and long away from over a million migrants arrived in Europe by sea in the 2015.
People arrived especially from Nigeria, Bangladesh and Pakistan
It is still significant the number of deaths during the journey to Europe by boat: 3.116 migrants passed away or missed in the Mediterranean sea, especially on the most dangerous route in the Central Mediterranean from North Africa (Libia) to Italy.
In 2018 numbers are decreasing.
Italy , contrary to Italian opinion isn’t one of the Country with a large number of asylum seekers. In fact, the country with the greatest number of questions is Germany (441.800, 35% of the total one of the European union), followed by Hungary (174.435), Sweden (156.110) and Austria (85.505). In Italy have been introduced 83.245 applications (7% of the total European).

Nigeria is a federal Republic in West Africa and it is the most populous African country.
In the north of the country, many people run away for Islamic terrorism ( Boko Haram), In the south there is a war for oil wells, an inadequate distribution of wealth in the country and youth unemployment . Besides, the land around the River Niger is devastated from the pollution and there isn’t the possibility to farm and fish.
In 2017, in Italy, there were 18thousand migrants from Nigeria.
The three cities with the greatest Nigerian presence are Turin, Rome and Padua.
Because of the reasons listed above, migrants that come from this country are declared in our country as” refugee”.

Bangladesh is a Republic in Asia. It is one of the poorest state and it is facing an economic crisis.
Immigrants’ aim is to spend a limited time abroad to earn enough money and come back home. For this reason more Bengali men than women decide to begin this journey.
At last, Bengali people come to Italy to find a job because in their birthplace there isn’t enough offer of employment depending on application. Immigrants from Bangladesh are not always accepted as political refugees and many of them live as illegal immigrants in Italy because they don’t want to come back to Bangladesh.

Pakistan is a Republic situated right in the heart of South Asia. The country is affected by profound internal instability and considerable tension.
Therefore there are islamist groups who force on the Pakistanian people their brand. This cause clashes between the Police and the activists.
Moreover, there are kidnapping of militant and terrorist attacks
To sum up, people escape from political instability, Taliban and to find a better economic and cultural situation. Immigrants from Pakistan are not always accepted as political refugees and many of them live as illegal immigrants in Italy because they don’t want to come back to Pakistan.